Sunday, June 20, 2004


After 8 months of writing, my previous update was the hundredth blog. I should first thank Arun Chandrasekar for motivating me to start something like this and thanks to everyone who read this blog. Most of these blogs were what I read, see and think, so if it has hurt anyone by any means kindly forgive me, but do come back and leave your comments.

Thank you all and have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching century....Have been reading ur updates regularly and its quite interesting.

ILA (a) இளா said...

Go Ahead man! We are waiting for your updates, Congrats!!!!!

Cogito said...

Congrats dude ! God has created every individual with a uniqueness and its always nice to read/listen to others ideas/views.Great going ! Btw, I think i just awoke the sleeping writer inside you.So its you and not me who deserves most of the credit.